Saw the post from Jennifer Coomds reguarding infant with gas problems. Felt
it was time to send mail. My experience tells me mom should start be getting
all dairy out of her diet. Cows milk is the most common offender. I've seen
it take  sometimes several days without dairy to get results , but it does
work. Yes, all dairy ! At least at first, if results are not noticed in a
weeks time ,then start eleminating other items, Chocolate, caffine, Peanuts,
I guess I should introduce myself. Dee Keith I.B.C.L.C, LLL Leader for 22
years, Mother of 10 , 8 boys, 2 girls ranging in age from 25years to 12
months. In private practice in Milford, Ohio ,just east of Cincinnati.
I had two interesting things happen today. Saw A mother with gladular
insufficency, Right breast small and tubular, left pretty much just a nipple,
It is so sad to have such a motivated person unable to produce her babies
needs, she has opted to go to a SNS.
Second: I have a Boycott bumper sticker on my van, ( You know Who) . A father
whose wife had rented a breast pump . Returned the pump and noticed the
sticker and of course commented. Interesting , He just didn't get it,
Couldn't understand why these companies. Had no idea what the code was. Guess
who he works for. Drove a brand new BMW too. Went to his car and brought my
kids candy. Oh yeah, He took notes when I explained the boycott.

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