>As a new member of  LACTNET would like to introduce myself.  I have
>been married to Richard (Rick) for 9 years, who is in Architecture.  We
>have two beautiful sons.  Marcus is 7, very active and in the first
>grade.  Laine (home birth) will be 4 in Feb., he is a very sensitive
>guy. <N>(Just guess which one nursed the longest?)  We live in Larkspur,
>Colorado (between Denver and Colorado Springs) in a <N>home <W0U>we<W0>
>built the summer before last. <N><N>I am the Director/Owner of ChildBorn
>Birth Services, we specialize in The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth,
>labor (Doula) support, breastfeeding.  I am also<N>the in house
>for my husband<@146>s homebased Architectural business, <N>I wear

Pardon my ignorance, but could you translate please? What do <N> and <WOU>
mean? And please, could I repeat the request that lactnetters not use
initials for terms without explaining what they mean.  Those of us not in
North America often use different terminology (for example, let-down reflex,
not milk ejection reflex) and many of us are not trained nurses.  Thanks.

Lesley McBurney, Brisbane, Australia