>The new book:  Breastfeeding, Biocultural Perspectives is ed. by Katherine
>Dettwyler and Patricia Stuart-Macadam, and published by De Gruyter Press (200
>Saw Mill River Rd, Hawthorne, NY 10532)  It is dedicated to Dr. Jelliffe and
>Niles Newton, and contains  articles by all our favorite breastfeeding
>experts from Dr. Woolridge to Dr. McKenna, and on and on.  Its a COOL book.
>And no, I don't own stock.
>Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC
>Austin, Tx  (priv. pract.)
Do any of the Aussie Lactnetters know if this book is available in
Australia, and, if so, how I get hold of one?

Lesley McBurney, Brisbane.