
have her try the nipple shield.  I have had 2 moms this month with exactly
the same problem.  Baby gapes open wide sucks a few times then looses grasp
and eventually gets frettful and stops trying at all.  As much as I used to
hate nipple shields they sometimes work in theese situations.  In both cases
this month when we put on the nipple shield the babies opened wide and then
stayed on!!  Then the babes sucked and swallowed and relaxed into a blissfull
sleep.  I only use it as a last resort after all positioning and other
strategies are used.   Both mothers were so relieved and glad to see there
babies have a good feed at the breast that they didnt mind the minor trouble
of the shield. In both cases the moms stopped using the bottle because there
was no need for supplements, babies were feeding well enough at breast.  The
first mom weaned from the shield in just a few days, it seemed the baby just
needed to learn that food and contentment come from the breast not the
bottle.(he was in NICU for 1 week and had only bottles.) 2nd mom I havent
heard back from but will re check on monday I will Keep you posted.  I am
beginning to think that in some cases Nipple shield can help us "cure" Nipple
confusion. any comments welcomed here are the instructions I give nipple
shield moms.

1.  Offer breast without shield first
2.  If no latch then use shield
3.  after baby relaxes into the feed but is still sucking, attempt to remove
the shield.
4.  weekly weight checks while shield is in use
5.  Pump after feeds as many time a day as possible to overstimulate supply
just in case shield does affect this.

Hope this helps.

Jessica Donahue R.N. I.B.C.L.C.