Hi Alicia, I have been using diflucan either 200mg a day or 100 mg a day,
depending on how bad the thrush is. It seems that starting with 200mg a
day, like we do for other yeast problems, helps. It also appears that a 2
week course is sufficient. One day is totally not appropriate...my patients
seem to notice symptoms decrease right away, with total resolution by 3-8
days, so 2 weeks has seems right in avoiding a quick recurrence. These
recommendations are by experience only!--I have not read anything about the
dose and duration recommendations elsewhere, because I have assumed that
there are not any. So, I based these trials of treatment regimens on my
experience of treating people with other fungal diseases of the skin with
diflucan.I have to say it is incredibly rewarding when a mom finally gets
rid of symptoms...she just glows!! (and it is not a side effect of the
med!)-Anne Eglash MD