>Donna writes:
> We have been able change the products in the gift/diaper
>bags.  They used to contain a 48-oz can of formula along with coupons.  Now
>every mother (breast or bottle) receives a gift bag with a water bottle,
>breast pads, coupons, and a can of powder formula labled: "please contact
>your health care provider before giving formula".

Welcome to Lactnet!
As I see it, Donna, mothers receiving this discharge pack get a clear message that the hospital expects that
all bf mothers will need to/and should use water and formula - otherwise, why would they be distributed? You
might like to suggest that items of more practical use to nursing mothers be given. Examples could include
flyers with the names and phone numbers of local LLL or NMA Leaders and LCs, information about building and
maintaining a milk supply, what to expect of normal breastfed infants, how to tell that the baby is getting
enough milk and information about normal newborn jaundice and nipple confusion. If funds allow, a small baby
toy or a nursing sling would be very appropriate additions. The actual packaging needs to be considered too -
the diaper bags donated by formula companies send a constant reminder that "if it doesn't work out you can
always use our brand." How about wrapping everything in a cloth diaper with a tiny stork tucked into the
knot? There are so  many inexpensive ways that hospitals can help mothers to get off to a good start in

Norma Ritter, IBCLC, LLLL                   "If not now, when? If not us, who?"
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