Hi Donna and everyone!    Re formula  purchasing:
You might want to contact Molly Pessl, RN, IBCLC, about her hospital,
Evergreen Maternity Center in Kirkland Washington.  There is a fabulous video
available about the changes this facility made in order to comply with the
BFH guidelines- "Learning To Be Baby-Friendly"  (I don't know if any facility
has yet to be accredited in the US...)  The video is 29 minutes long, and
very inspirational- narrated by Katie Curic of the Today Show ( a morning TV
show here in the US -for our global friends).  You can order a copy of the
video for $10.00 from PDR Productions in New York, at 219 E 44th St. New York
NY 10017.

I talked to Molly a couple of weeks ago.  She said her hospital was doing
about 90 births a month before they started making BF changes.  They now do
250 per month.  It is mentioned on the video that the hospital made changes
away from purchasing formula as part of becoming Baby Friendly.  But
obviously the increase in births (a money maker for hospitals, I think?)
makes up for it!    One of the most striking things I picked up from the
video is that the MDs and nurses state several times that they essentially
had to make changes in themselves and their former way of doing things,  "to
give the babies back to the mothers."

E-mail me privately for Molly's address. [log in to unmask]