Diane Wiessinger is absolutely correct. Membership in ILCA is easy to
obtain, although the address given has been changed. See our web page for

One does NOT have to be IBCLC to be a member, which is why I am continually
puzzled that people sitting the exam hold off becoming a member until AFTER
they have passed.  Our local affiliate always supports aspiring LCs by
helping them with study groups, places and times for same, etc.  Also,
getting JHL and being involved with other LCs BEFORE sitting the exam seems
a lot more helpful than waiting for such involvement until after

Finally, LACTNET was NOT begun by ILCA and is not related to ILCA except
that we offered them a linkage on our web page, just as we did so for LLLI
and other groups we felt would be of interest to LCs out there.  Yes, the
two co-mothers of LACTNET are ILCA members, but that is not WHY or HOW we
began the list.

There is lots of overlap of membership (obviously) and for this we are
thankful, but please know that ILCA does not control the list and is not
responsible in any way for what is said on it.

Def. of LC service: "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC (Homewood, IL)- [log in to unmask]