Hi all,

Received a call from a fellow LC yesterday, and promised her I would get GOOD
answers to her questions from all my good buds here on the LN.  Mom with
second baby; first baby bf for 6 months, but mom had increasing bone & joint
pain throughout the bf experience.  Finally couldn't take the pain any more,
and when she quit bf, the pain went away.  Now has had baby number two who is
two weeks old.  Mom is bf, but the joint & bone pain is back and is
"excruciating."  Says she feels as though the "bones are rubbing together"
esp. at the joints.  I asked if mom was experiencing dry eyes or any other
symptoms of fluid decrease (guess I was thinking of synovial fluid
diminishing btn. the joints).  She desperately wants to continue to bf this
baby, at least 6 months, but isn't sure how long she can tolerate the pain.
 Advil or Motrin make the pain somewhat bearable, but for obvious reasons,
we'd rather get to the heart of the matter rather than treat it simply with
antiinflammatories.  Sounds almost goutish in her description, 'cept she
isn't rich and it isn't in her big toe.  Does anyone have any thoughts?  Ever
heard about something like this?

I too will add my thanks for Lactnet, and a request to the Lord to turn the
day into 26 hours to accomodate this addiction rather than the measly 24 that
I have to get everything else done....

Welcome to all the new subscribers, esp.those that have come out of the

Jan B.  (Already looking forward to turkey, dressing, mashed
potatoes.....mmm...and bowling on T-giving afternoon which is a Barger family
tradition, though we go with lots and lots of friends.  Our best T-giving was
with a Russian family that had come to the US the first of July.  We took
them bowling too -- they had a ball (so to speak...)!