This is in response to Ellen McIntyre's note lookin gof rreferences on
the attitudes of teens who don't have kids toward breastfeeding, but I thought
it might be of general interest so I'm responding publically.
  Acouple of year's ago I wrote a lit review on breastfeeding and teens
for a grad school course.  Among the articles were several on
attitudes of teens who are not parents.  IN addition the review which I wrote
has been published as well.  Here are the references:
Cusson RM 1985 Attitudes toward breastfeeding among female high school students
Pediatric Nursing May/June:189-91.
Ellis, D, 1983 Secondary School students attitudes and beliefs about
breastfeeding. Journal of School Health 53(10):600-604.
Friel JK et al, The effects of a promotional campaign on attitudes of
adolescent females toward breastfeeding, 1989 Canadian Journal of Public
Health, 80:195-99.
Kapil,U. and Manocha, S 1990 Knowledge and attitude toward breastfeeding
among adolescent girls, Indian Journal of Pediatrics 57(may/June) 401-404
Pascoe, J and Berger A, 1985. Attitudes of High school girls in Israel
and the US toward breastfeeding. Journal of Adolescent Health Care 6:28-30
Wolinski, M 1989. Adolescent Views on breastfeeding: A descriptive Study
Breastfeeding Review 14:9-12.

My review is:Bar-Yam, Naomi Baromberg, Breastfeeding and Teenage Mothers
1993 International  Journal Of Childbirth Education 8(4)21-26.
  Hope this is helpful.
  Naomi Bar-Yam