I have been working with a mom who has a two week old slow gainer.  The infant
has had a difficult time nursing because of an extremely short tongue and was
tongue tied as well.  Mom has large soft breasts and short nipples.  The baby
attaches and nurses but gets small amounts of milk.  Mom has been pumping after
feeding and gets a couple of ounces of breast milk. At two weeks, the baby is
not back to birth weight.  The mom and I were talking about our plan for the
baby when she threw in her
BY THE WAY..... I do hate those late in the game BY THE WAYS, but she said, do
you know anything about Kallman's Syndrome, because she has it as do her sister
and brother. Apparently her pituitary secretes no GNBH (?) and so she had to
wear a pump for 3 months which secreted this into her bloodstream every 90
minutes, in order to get pregnant, (with donor sperm).  She says her midwife
tells her that it will not affect breastfeeding at all.  Since I don't know
anything about it and cannot find it in my books, I am hoping that someone out
there can shed some light on this condition.  Right now it seems her problems
are related to poor latch, but I am wondering if her condition could have
anything to do with a decreasing milk supply as well.  Thanks for any help with
her problem.  She is very interested to know if anyone has had experience with

Ann Calandro, RNC,IBCLC