Tiffany Mross :

        I have read the offending article(below)  suggesting that leaking
silicone implants may be associated with esophageal disease in children.  I
found the article   poorly designed, and to be frank,  absolutely worthless.
I suggest you read some of the letters to the editor (JAMA 272(10):769,
1994) that subsequently reviewed  this article.  Lets get serious,  these
authors didn't even measure silicone in the breastmilk of these patients,
how could they even remotely associate silicosis with the esophageal
lesions,  they don't even know if silicone was present.    I can't wait for
their next article,  "The Relationship of Silicone Breast Implants and
Post-Menopausal Hot Flashes".   I'm sure they'll find an association...

Sclerodermalike esophageal disease in children breast-fed by mothers with
silicone implants.  JAMA 271(3):213-216, 1994.
