In a message dated Lisa wrote:

>pump some colostrum, freeze it, and bring it to
>the hospital at delivery time. They assume the usual protocols take place
>after birth, and recommend that the parents uncover the sample and place
>in baby's crib near his nose so that he can smell mom's milk while in the
>nursery and be "ready" to nurse!

Pardon me, but does any one else find this to be ludicrous?!  If someone is
willing to admit that something as simple as "smelling" the colostrum will
produce a "readiness" to go to breast, why can't they leave the baby at the
source to smell to his little heart's content?  Maybe, while he's there, he
could even lick, taste, or engage in otherwise radical behaviors to produce

Considering that Prozak more strongly by the minute.......Nancy