Baby takes EM just fine from a bottle, but appears gassy and fussy
after 10 minutes at the breast.  This sounds to me like baby nurses
fine as long as the flow is easy, but he becomes impatient when he
must work a little harder.  No wonder.  He doesn't need to change
his sucking rhythm for a bottle.  He just seems to need a little help
with adjusting between the two forms of feeding.

I wonder if it would help to do some active switch nursing for a
while until he settles down a bit.  She can nurse him on the first side
until he begins to fuss.  Lift him up, burp, cuddle, visit with him,
offer side two.  When he finishes that side (begins to fuss), lift,
burp, cuddle, visit, offer side one again.

Baby obviously likes to nurse.  He's not refusing the breast, just
getting impatient.  I wonder if mom is interpreting his fussyness as
gas pains because he kicks his feet when the flow isn't what he
wants.  Please let us know how this turns out.

Jeanne Fisher
Austin, TX