I have been amazed at all the stories about unsympathetic judges and jury
duty.  I have never served on a jury because I was either pregnant or
nursing at the times I have been called.  Here in Texas, you can check a box
that says "Other" after all the standard excuses listed, then write in your
situation.  Several times I have said "I'm pregnant and having a lot of
morning sickness.  If you don't mind me jumping up to go vomit during the
proceedings, I'll be happy to serve."  Other times I have written "I am
nursing a child.  I will have to have my active, noisy child with me in
order to nurse.  If you don't mind that, I'll be happy to serve."  And once
I had neither excuse, but wrote in "I teach at the university.  If you call
me for jury duty then 150 students will be left without their teacher, and
won't be able to complete their class."  Then I've sent my card in, and
never heard another word about it, in any of the situations.  Around here
they call 80-100 people for each jury they need, so there are always plenty
of people, and twice when my husband has gone down they've either dismissed
everybody because the trial was postponed or else they haven't gotten to him
before they had everybody they needed.  It probably would be a good idea for
everyone who might potentially be called for jury duty to find out ahead of
time what their state and local laws are about mothers caring for young
children (usually excused).
        A radical solution of some friends of ours is not to register to
vote, as the jury members are chosen from the voting rolls.  They have some
problem with serving on a jury.
Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Specialist in infant feeding and growth of children
Texas A&M University
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