Martha Brower led me to Ishmael, and I was so impressed I'm using it in my
class next semester.  The course is "Peoples and Cultures of the World," and
it enrolls 280 senior business majors (mostly) for whom it fulfills an
international elective.  Will they be learning that breastfeeding is better
than bottle-feeding?  Will they be learning that co-sleeping is normal and
natural for humans?  Whay do y'all think?  By the way, there is a place back
east that sells "Another Friend of Ishmael's" bumper stickers.  I have one
on my van, next to my "A Breast a Day Keeps the Doctor Away" sticker.  If
anyone wants the address for bumper stickers and discounts on bulk orders of
Ishmael, send me a private e-mail.

Kathy Dettwyler