Today I had breakfast with a friend from church.  She recently got pregnant
while still breastfeeding her first baby.  This week, she went to get her
alpha-fetoprotein test done (sorry if I misspelled it!).  The phlebotomist
asked her the date of her last menstrual period.  My friend replied that it
was irrelevant, but the phelbotomist persisted, so my friend told her "1993".
 The phlebotomist then proceded to tell my friend that there was absolutely
no way that a woman could get pregnant without having a menstrual period...
My friend, nearly in stitches by that time, explained to the phlebotomist
that FIRST you ovulate, then you menstruate.... DUH.

Thought you'd be amused.  I thought it was really funny that the phlebotomist
thought she knew more than the OB (and obviously doesn't know anything about

Martha Brower RD LD IBCLC