Anybody want to give this mom a suggestion as to other meds or other treatments
for her migraines?

In, [log in to unmask] (Esther A
Paris) wrote:

>       Ideas, please! Now that the menses are returning, although I'm
>still nursing, I'm getting wicked menstrual migraines. The post-ovulation
>time frame isn't as long as it was before pregnancy, so I don't know the
>menses are coming except if I recognize the migraine as a warning signal.
>Tylenol doesn't help. Ibuprofen not recommended while nursing. Aspirin
>not allowed. Fioronol forbidden. Desperate, I am.  The olfactory
>hallucinations I get from the migraines and the super-sensitivity to
>light, sound, smell is downright nauseating. help...?! Caffeine seems to
>help a bit and doesn't seem to bother Baby (thank God!) But Caffeine
>doesn't do the whole trick. I'm still stuck with a relentless migraine in
>my left eye/temple. (Not to mention the bad mood and sick stomach.)
>Esther A. Paris, CTM [log in to unmask]
>"Ask me about Toastmasters International."
>Software Design & Development Engineer - Raytheon Electronic Systems
>'night elf'

J.Rachael Hamlet
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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