You might be surprised how big the fines can be for a four foot deep hole
in the wrong kind of soil.
On Tue, 14 Nov 1995, Mark C. Branstner wrote:
> You say that you excavated your barrel feature to a depth of approximately
> 1.2 m and then stopped because of concern for OSHA standards ...
> Oh, the humanity! It might cave in and I'd be buried to my belt buckle!
> They just don't make archaeologists like they used to ...
[log in to unmask] is:
                              John Floyd
                State University of New York at Buffalo
          Undergraduate College     and     Anthropology Department
          220 Talbert Hall                  380 MFAC Ellicott Complex
          Buffalo, NY 14260-1607            Buffalo, NY  14261-0005
          (716) 645-3479                    (716) 645-2414 (try x3479 1st)
                or -6738
          (716) 645-3482                    (716) 645-3808 (try x3482 1st)