Dr. Dean Edell (radio show) was also talking about the Baker's Yeast issue
this week, so there must be a brand-new medical journal article about it.
They said that some women with stubborn, recurrent vaginal yeast infections
turned out to be infected not with Candida (garden variety yeast) but with
the other kind (I can't remember the scientific name) which is used to make
bread dough rise.  In one case, the woman kept going back to her doctor for
standard treatment and nothing worked, then she casually mentioned one day
that he husband works making pizzas.  Voila.  The doctor cultured her yeast
and it was baker's yeast.  The treatment is apparently a different sort of
fungicide entirely from the one's used for Candida.  At the time I thought,
"Oh, I should share that with LactNet, because maybe that's what's going on
with some of these nipple/baby's mouth cases.  Dr. Dean said it was also
found among women who made their own bread, and that better hand hygiene was
probably all that was needed to stop the transmission.

Another perspective on circumcisions.  Around here, if the circ is done in
the hospital on day one or two, the ob/gyn does it, and s/he doesn't use
anesthesia.  You can wait and have it done at the 2 week check up at the
pediatrician's office, though, and all the pediatricians in the HMO we use
(6 or 7) use anesthesia when it is done in their office.  The parents can be
present, and the baby can nurse as soon as it is over.  It takes 4-5
minutes, but seems a lot longer.

There is also some research on what comforts a baby after a circ best, being
wrapped tightly (swaddled) in a warm blanket, or a pacifier, and the
pacifier was definitely better in terms of stopping babies' cries, lowering
their blood pressure, and lowering their heart rate.  Of course,
breastfeeding, with its warm milk as well as the sucking itself, presumably
is even better than a pacifier.

Kathy Detttwyler,
Who would not have had either son circumcized if it had been up to her.......