I thought you all might appreciate some humor on a Monday morning.  I was
grading exams this weekend from my "Introduction to Physical Anthropology"
class.  I had lectured about lactational amenorrhea and typical patterns of
reproduction in hunter-gatherer societies, and explained to the students
that prolactin both increases the milk supply and suppresses ovulation (yes,
I know that the most recent research says it is oxytocin that suppresses
ovulation, not prolactin, but haven't read it yet myself, so stuck to the
standard version).  On the exam I asked the students to provide the name of
the hormone responsible for increasing milk supply and suppressing
ovulation.  These are some of the incorrect responses I got (Note: many
people skip class, maybe 15 or so out of 80 every class, and try to get by
on just reading the book, which doesn't cover these topics):

oxytocin, estrogen, lactase, "The prostate gland produces oxytocin hormone,"
oxyuridase, lactose, estrogen, lactate, lactoferrin, progesterone, estrogen,
progestrine, lactagen, progesterone, lactose, estrogen, lactase, lactose,
lactase, pactacine, prolactase, lactase, oxytocin, estrogen, protactin,
progesterin, lh, lactaid, estrogen, lactose, lactose, and a few blank.

Think I'll have to remind them today.....

I especially like the one confusing the pituitary with the prostate.
Reminds me of the girl who said her mother had had breast cancer and had to
have a vasectomy!

Kathy Dettwyler, who always feels it's her fault when the students don't
learn what was presented in lecture.