Hi all,

I, too, have a question about the use of Motrin/Ibuprofin.  After I had my
son, I was given a prescription for motrin to have filled out for any pain I
might have.  My OB said it was fine to use with BF.  However since I was in
no pain, I didn't fill out the prescription.  Well, I had a real problem with
muscle tension due to stress that I had been suffering from for many years,
that had been causing severe heasaches, neckaches, and shoulder pain every
day, for most of the day.  I began taking 600mg of Ibuprofin (generic store
brand) 4 times a day every day, and did that for 8 mo into BF.  Then I went
to a massage therapist and 6 months later have only taken Ibuprofin maybe 3
times for headaches.
What I'm getting at, in a long way, is is there any research that shows any
problems with taking that much Ibuprofin for that long a time while BF?  I
have seen no ill effects in my son so I figured it was OK and figured it was
OK since my OB was going to give me a prescrip for 800mg.
With this type of situation, and also one where the cause of the pain cannot
be dealt with thru chiropractors or a massage therapist (mine was VERY good!)
I would think that the health of the mother (regarding her mental health with
dealing with pain 24-7) would be a key issue.  I know that when I would run
out of Ibuproin the pain I was in would put me into such a BAD mood that no
one wanted to be around me!  It didn't make for ease in dealing with a baby
Any references?
