Wow! Poor mom and baby. I would suggest trying some different nursing
positions to start. Perhaps the nipple is hitting at the wrong place in the
baby's mouth because of some oral anatomical variation. Next, try some
botanical alternatives to the prescription anti-fungal like golden seal
powder or olive oil. castor oil is also an antifungal but you must use the
cold pressed kind. c. Albicans in homeopathic form is also very effective and
comes in a formulation called Diaper Rash gel which may be available to you.
Go to a good health food store or private e-mail me and I'll give you the
address should you wwant to try it.

If mother and baby have never been treated simulaneously for any length of
time, then it is entirely possible that the infection is getting being passed
back and forth.

The symptoms that you speak of can be nipple compression that cuts off
circulation to the nipples that then causes burning sensation post feed,
thrush, or bacterial infection. It is not unheard of to have thrush and a
bacterial infection at the same time. So an antibacterial treatment might
also be helpful.

The golden seal is a broad spectrum antimicrobial so it will get bacteria and
fungi at the same time.

How about sending the mother to a dermatologist for a culture?

Alison Hazelbaker