Does anyone have information about integrating breastfeeding into a school
health curriculum from K-12th grades?  I've done a couple of sessions with
pregnant teens and have been asked to do another one, and the initial
experience made me begin to think about working breastfeeding into the entire
health curriculum.  I talked briefly last spring with someone in the central
office of our county system about the idea and got a less than enthusiastic
response.  (I started with a PhD in the central office, a man, and worked my
way through several more people, all women, and every one of them was clearly
uncomfortable with the "B" word.)  I thought it might be helpful to introduce
the concept in early grade school, from a health standpoint, and build on it
through the higher grades.  I'd like to try again, maybe with the state
office of education, but I'd like to offer something concrete, if it exists.
 Thanks in advance for any creative ideas or info.

Judy D in WV