It's great to find a place to meet other breastfeeding advocates.  I have
been a LLLL for about two years and I have written several articles on
breastfeeding for a Canadian magazine for expecting parents called Great
Expectations.  I have a four year old son who still nurses a bit.  The
"Stuart" you see above is my very supportive husband.  My first question on
LACTNET is: Has anyone seen a report in the American Journal of Preventive
Medicine about physicians in training and their lack of breastfeeding
knowledge?  My editor told me that a publication called Your Child's
Wellness Newsletter (Sept./Oct. 95) mentions it.  Apparently, "Physicians
in training correctly answered only 53% of questions about
breastfeeding...Only 14% expressed confidence in managing
breastfeeding...."  Does anyone know the complete reference for this? Are
there any other surveys like this?  Thanks for any info.
 - Nancy Phillips
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