Difficult as it is to do, I think that we need to separate the ABM product
from our feelings about the producer and the marketing tactics used.  ABM is
still better than any animal milk available if human milk is not used in

I object to marketing practices, pseudo-educational brochures which are
really lightly-cloaked promotional marketing, direct marketing, etc. of ABM.
 I am glad that  products exist that can be fed to babies if HM cannot or is
not being fed.  (I also am glad that tube feedings and hyperalimentation are
available but do not think they are appropriate for everyone!)  Ross maked a
phenylalanine free formula that, when combined with partial breastfeeding,
allows more human milk to be given to the baby.  I think that is good news.
 The older formula had some phenylalanine in it, so less human milk could be
given.  We need to direct our outrage at the practices, not at the product.

Someone asked about refusing to supplement with ABM if a baby is not gaining
properly.  My solution of choice is to figure out WHY the baby is not gaining
weight.  If there is a milk transfer problem, then removing more milk from
the mother will boost her supply and the baby can be supplemented with the
collected Mom's Milk. It often does not occur to a physician that the mother
could have more milk than what the baby is taking. Some babies just don't
take out the milk that is available (bad suck, poor positioning, birth
trauma, cardiac problems, etc.).  If this goes on long enough, it can
permanently reduce a mother's milk supply because her breasts figure she has
a little teensy baby who doesn't need much milk.  I'm sure that the physician
in question wants the baby to have more calories and grow.  Period.  Getting
the baby to gain weight is probably the only goal.

Good luck!
Martha Brower RD LD IBCLC (for those of you who are wondering, we have 14
crickets living in my son's closet -- yes, we are closet insect voyeurs!!
 Actually the reason is that my son's class has a pet praying mantis and we
are the food chain.  Our cat is fascinated, so that is why all the action is
in the closet!) Queen Insectivoria who is wondering if Roberta will send the
recipe for roasted crickets and quacamole if the mantis dies before all the
crickets are eaten)