Your message about the mothers who have a relationship with the pump but not
their babies (at least not with babies at the breast) was especially
pertinent today as I read it soon after getting off the phone with a
potential client. She plans to give birth and pump and bottlefeed. Tough
call as she had zillions of questions. She's not averse to trying the baby
on the breast for the first few days (this is progress, I guess), but plans
to just pump and bottle-feed afterwards. With a little luck she'll have a
great time and want to keep at it. We also discussed much else and I
suggested she come in for an information consult. where I can address all
her concerns and she can have a look at the pumps I have available.

Through the years I've had a few clients who preferred to pump and
bottle-feed. While this is sad to me because I know what they're missing,
I've decided to focus instead on the unselfishness these mums exhibit in
being willing to at least pump their milk. I figure if they pump and
bottle-feed for one baby, maybe they'll be willing to try to real thing next
time if I give them the support they need and don't turn them off. And if
they don't want to, they at least are not supporting the ABM industry and
are providing the best product for their babies.

Leslie Ayre-Jaschke, BEd, IBCLC
Peace River Breastfeeding Clinic
Peace River Alberta, Canada