Dear Kathy,
I wanted to share with you a case I am familiar with which reminded me of
Thomas in England.  A baby was diagnosed with "failure to thrive" at 19
months, having gained no weight since the age of 9 months.  After a series of
hospital tests nothing was found and the mother was told just to feed her
more.  The mother was getting messages from the medical personnel (sometimes
not too subtle ones) that somehow nursing was to blame.  Yes, it did turn out
to be a wheat allergy.  Other possibilities that had been considered were
celiac disease and intolerances to barley and rye, but by the process of
elimination, wheat was discovered to be the culprit.  As soon as the wheat
was eliminated from the child's diet, she began to gain weight.  Hope this
Lesley Robinson, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Corning, NY