re-Diane Wiessinger's mom with a two year old who has suddenly started clamping down while nursing.

My e-mail was down for a week and I have just finished plowing through the 40+ lactnet issues (with
intermittent giggling!) so please forgive this late reply.

You mentioned that this toddler had just been put into a daycare situation. I wonder if this could have
anything to do with the problem? Perhaps you could ask the mom if their were any changes in routine etc.
about the time that the clamping started, and when she mentions the daycare, go on from there. If I am right,
this sounds like a very tricky situation.....

Lots of luck! Do let us know if you find a solution.

Norma Ritter, IBCLC, LLLL
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Date: 10/07/95
Time: 08:06:55

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