Ladies & Gents:

While shopping at our Commissary this morning I saw something that really
caught my eye!  There, right at the entrance to the baby products, was a
display of a new, free magazine for moms from C______, one of those formula
manufacturing companies.  Inside was the following article.

The Hospital Gift Pack-is the formula a gift worth keeping?

"Giving your baby a gift is one of the many ways your friends and family can
share in the joy of your motherhood.  And though every present comes with
love, as a mother, you're the one who decides if something is right for your
baby.  Whether it's a car seat, a teddy bear or a baby monitor, the decision
to keep it and use it is yours.

The same is true of the infant formula sample you receive in the hospital
"gift" pack.  Because it comes as part of your hospital stay you may think
it's a recommendation by the hospital or by your doctor.

The truth is, it most often comes from a formula manufacturer who has a
contract with the hospital, plain and simple.  And it may or may not be right
for your baby.  That's something only you and your health care professional
can decide.  It shouldn't keep you from considering other formulas.  And more
important, the fact that you get a formula sample shouldn't dissuade your
from breast feeding or influence when to stop.

Deciding which formula is right for your baby is clearly more important than
choosing which shower gifts to keep and which to exchange.  That's why you
should make sure you get all the facts about different formulas.  Once you
do, you'll know you're making an informed decision."

Well folks, how about that?  I've been steaming over this all day!  Is the
C_______ company not represented in hospitals?  They call getting the facts
about formulas an informed decision!  You can bet I will be writing a letter
to the commissary to get those magazines out of there!

Also in this magazine - an article on lactose intolerence that twists the
truth, a place to order videos on parenting by collecting formula UPS's and
of course coupons!

Any comments and suggestions about this one?

(I assume since the magazine is free and there is no statement about not
copying that it's OK to share with everyone.

Diane Karnbach, LLLL
Va Beach, VA