Just wanted to clarify-although I did miscarry twice while breastfeeding a
20-month old--I did continue to breastfeed for a long time, and never
regretted breastfeeding them.  The first time, I thought it was my fault; the
second time, I knew it wasn't.  Both were very confusing times for me,
though, because not everyone validated the pregnancy.  I had a hard time
conceiving our first child; so the miscarriages were particularly upsetting
to me.  In fact, my "baby" is now almost 10; it hadn't been planned that way,
but I never did get pregnant again after his birth, not even to miscarry!  I
nursed him the longest, past 2 1/2 years.  Because of my difficulty
conceiving, I had plenty of pressure to wean.  The best part of weaning the
"baby" was that even after he had stopped nursing, he would tell me, "Mommy I
NEED you", and hold up his arms to be held. He still needed cuddling and knew
when to ask for it.  I don't think I would have remembered to pick him up for
cuddling without that.
Pearl Shifer, M.Ed., IBCLC
Breastfeeding fanatic
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