Hi, I'm a documentary filmmaker and breastfeeding mother.  When my first
child was born five years ago I got interested in the subject of
breastfeeding.  How come there was so little easily available information
about something so ancient and basic to human existence?  When my second
child was born, I began researching and developing a documentary that will
explore the status of breastfeeding in the US.

This message is to update those of you who know about the film, to let others
know about it, and to ask for leads on sources that might want to complete
the funding.

The film, whose "working title" is "What's a Mother to Do?" is for PBS
broadcast and  videocassette distribution.  It's goal is to interest and
inform a broad audience and to challenge viewers to rethink the place of
breastfeeding in our overall health strategies.

To summarize the film very briefly, it will have three parts:  First, it will
dramatize the inconsistent messages our culture sends about breastfeeding by
following the actual experiences of a few mothers from diverse backgrounds
over the course of a few months.  Second, historical sections will put
breastfeeding in the context of social, economic and medical changes which
have contributed to the decline of breastfeeding during this century, as well
as factors which have helped to revive it. These sections will combine
interviews with experts with lively period footage from instructional films
for mothers, newsreels, TV commercials, etc.  Finally, the film will look at
proposals for change.  It will also include current scientific information
about breastfeeding.

The film has, from the beginning, received encouragement and advice from
ILCA, LLLI, UNICEF, Wellstart International and the Institute for
Reproductive Health, as well as numerous committed individual scholars,
health professionals and mothers.

In addition to planning the film, I have been systematically approaching
foundations, government and private sources for funding.  Just recently, my
application to the National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine
was recommended for funding.  This would be the first large grant and would
cover about 10% of the budget.  It is, however, conditioned on  my showing
that I can get the rest of the money.  I have already received small
contributions from ILCA, OLCA and many generous individuals.  Several grant
applications are pending or in process.  But, your knowledgeable suggestions
are urgently needed and and will be gratefully accepted.

Please e-mail me directly with questions, comments  or suggestions.

Many, many thanks,  Vera