Hello to all and thanks for the ideas you have sent.  Thought I'd update you.

Mom saw the family practice doc on Monday.  He said sometimes it takes a
while to heal and she should give it a couple of weeks!!!  THE KID IS
ALREADY 2 1/2 MONTHS OLD!  He said that because the baby was not assigned to
him by the public health agency, he could neither culture the baby or refer
the baby to a speech therapist.  Last I heard Tuesday, she had been on the
phone all day trying to get help in getting the baby cultured and referred.

Just received a call from the mom.  She is in the hospital.  Her lactating
breast swelled and turned bright red on the whole bottom half.  She went to
hospital A's emergency room (ER), who told her they do not see patients from
her plan and she would have to go to hospital B.  She went to the ER in
Hospital B who told her they could not see her unless she had seen her
primary care physician.  She then went to the physician, who saw her and
sent her back to the hospital!  Hospital physician told her not to pump her
milk because the infection will get worse.  In the morning as her fever
continued to climb, she insisted she be allowed to pump. She is on IV
Rocephin and Vancomycin.  Dx is cellulitis which has turned into blood
poisining.  They did do an ultrasound on the breast and found no abcesses
and no masses.  The doctors have told her she must wean now because the
infection in the milk will make the baby sick.  Bless her heart, she said to
me she would wait until it cleared and will probably continue to try to nurse!

Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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