Now I'm a little puzzled. I learned several years ago that babies who are
sensitive to dairy in mom's diet and need supplementation should NOT be
given cows' milk based formula, but should start at least at the soy
level. AND, I learned that 2 of 3 babies who react to cow's milk based
formulas will *also* react to soy--- it isn't as hypoallergenic as the
public is led to believe. This leaves the expensive "hypo" allergenic
formulas, the ones based on meat and ???? (yech!). They stink, but they
are often the best alternatives.

Why am I puzzled? Because of the discussion of the denaturing of the
cow's milk protein in ABM. It makes sense to me that this change may make
it "safer" than fresh milk, but what about the fact that some women must
eliminate not only fresh dairy from their diets, but also whey, casein,
protein caseinate, etc.? Seems to me that these are "denatured" cow's
protein also, and yet some babies react to even these smaller sources in
mom's diet.

Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who read a lot, remember little
tidbits, but can rarely remember later on the sources of the curious
info. I *do* believe, personally, that juvenile diabetes is on the rise
not only because of early introduction of cow's milk into children's
diets, but also from the use of cow's milk based ABMs. And who knows;
maybe they will find a soy link, also. In fact, the "lack of breastmilk"
may be a better definer than naming one substance.....

I'm speculating today. Anyone else with thoughts expanding upon mine?


Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
