Been gone several weeks, missed lactnet, but not the time  that I had
available with the lack of it.
A mom with second baby, severe oversupply and overactive  milk ejection
reflex with #1.  After using every approach, she used lowdose parlodel
according to Dr. Livingston in Vancouver, and had relief.  Second baby
here and she is controlling the situation with sage this time, very
successfully.  The question is, she is on 12 capsules of 410mg of sage
per day, she has literature that states 3 -5 gm per day okay.  Any
comments on amount, or if she needs to continue this regimine.  SHe is
going to try to decrease it and watch what happens.  Baby #2 is 11 days
old today.  We are using sage this time due to all the Lactnet  input
over the past few months.
Thanks again,
Robin Hollen, RN IBCLC
Reno NV