The diaper service here has begun offering home delivery of M--- breast pumps
along with the diapers!!!!!  Is that being done anywhere else?  I have thrown
out all of the diaper service promotional material (magazines) as has our
hospital education coordinator and have written to the service that I have done

What message is given when pumps and diapers (clean and otherwise) are lumped
together?  We are working hard for appropriate recognition of the good electric
pump as necessary medical equipment and then this.  Where is your head, Medela?
Who will help the mother who needs the pump?  There was some condition requiring
its use.  Does she call the local lactation center for free help?  Not ours!!!
We will be happy to help her after she makes and appointment and registers with
outpatient services and pays our maximum hourly rate.  Who documents the medical
necessity for the use of the pump---diaper service?!  How can we hope to get
reimbursed from anyone unless we have consistent a track record of requests for
such backed up with appropriate medical records?

I think those involved with this brilliant idea must have had their collective
heads down in the diaper pail a bit too long!!!!!!!

Pardee H. Hinson, MPH, IBCLC
Charlotte, NC
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