This is something that I have wondered about for a long time, and I'm glad for this opportunity to share my
own experiences with other lactnetters. (An aside - surely it is the anecdotal material that provides the
inspiration for research?)

I (deliberately) became pregnant when my first child was 13 months old and still nursing very frequently. My
milk supply was barely affected in quantity although it did, of course change to colostrum. Despite dire
warnings from all and sundry, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who weighed more than her brother had at
birth, and I tandem nursed for about six months.

My body doesn't know the meaning of lactational amenorhrea and my periods started at 6 weeks pp. I used
Natural Family Planning plus mechanical contraception . . . and became pregnant at 4 months! I lost that baby
in the first trimester. Later on, when my daughter was still nursing at 2 1/2yrs, I lost another (also
unplanned) baby and repeated the experience again six months later.

After my daughter weaned at 3y/o, I planned a pregnancy which resulted in another beautiful baby girl. Since
then, I have had 4 more miscarriages, two of which occurred while nursing, none of the pregnancies being

The only conclusions that I can infer are that my hormone levels were high enough to allow pregnancy but not
to carry it through.

Norma Ritter, IBCLC, LLLL
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Date: 10/07/95
Time: 08:24:38

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