To Kellie R.

        Omnipaque  300 is a iodinated radiocontrast agent generally given IV
but can be administered orally.   It is almost exclusively excreted
unmetabolized in the bile and urine with a very rapid clearance and short
half-life (less than a few hours).  Because the iodine is covalently bound,
almost no free iodine occurs via metabolism of this product(good!!).  The
oral absorption in adults and children is extremely small ( < 0.1 - 0.5 %).
The package insert contains oral dosing recommendations for children "less
than 3 months".    So even if it is excreted into milk,  the infant would
likely not absorb any.   Even the package insert says that women can begin
breastfeeding after 24 hrs.   So this product appears to be quite safe for
bfing moms.

        I assume your inquiry on  "Oral Scan C Barium Swallow " means just
an oral barium preparation.   Barium when taken orally is completely
unabsorbed,  and simply passes out in the feces.   Oral barium is unlikely
to produce any problem in a BFing mom.

T.W. Hale, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Texas Tech University School of Medicine
