Hi. Thought I'd stick my two cents worth in. I'm one of the original 7 (9?)
members of Lactnet, joining way back when (Kathy B and I go WAY back to Prodigy
days....). I NEED this kind of contact to stay sane after moving from a
metropolitan area (Atlanta, GA) to RURAL west Tennessee--going from an area with
LOTS of LCs, and LLL Groups, to an area that I can't talk to any other LC/LLL
Leader without dialing "1" first for a long distance call. (Accessing Lactnet
requires a long distance call as well.)

In the seven or so months since Lactnet started, I have laughed, cried, fumed,
learned, been astounded, etc etc with the rest of you. In fact, my only
"complaint" is that there is entirely TOO MUCH useful stuff on this thing... I
can't keep up!!!!! THAT, however, is MY problem, and I am used to being
overwhelmed with papers and info I can't figure out how to deal with!!!! Just
like the junkie, it just takes more and more Lactnet posts to "feed" my

I think one of the most useful aspects of Lactnet, other than the actual info
exchange, is the opportunity to share tactics for working with some of the folks
who really ought to know better about protecting, promoting, and supporting
breastfeeding. I think we stand a much better chance of winning these folks over
by a personal campaign, designed and honed by the experiences and suggestions of
folks who have been there. I don't WANT the non-advocates here learning all the
ways we intend to psych them out and get them on our band wagon!!!

It is SO easy to get flame wars going when you have to tip toe around issues.
There are plenty of online avenues for engaging in those kind of exchanges.
Let's just keep this like it is. Perhaps what we need is a support group:
Lactnet Anonymous.... ("Hi, my name is Melissa, and I am a Lactnet addict...")

Melissa Vickers, IBCLC
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