In a message dated 95-09-30 17:26:32 EDT, you write:

>Please do not apologize in word thought or deed for earning money by helping
>mother's breastfeed. And don't give a second thought to those who don't want
>to pay you. Let them live with their choices and turn your energy and
>attention to those who really need you and want your help.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of all who read this, I'd like to humbly
suggest that I, in addition to being dedicated to "helping mothers
breastfeed", am also an infant advocate. How do we balance Allison's valid
contention with the fact that the baby is also living with those
choices--especially for some of us who live with a high migrant/poverty level

I was only brave enough to make this inquiry as I have to go NOMAIL for 2
weeks.  :>)