
I am one that would like to see Lactnet stay just the way it is.  I
appreciate the educational aspect but I treasure the emotional support.  I am
a LLL leader in persuit of IBCLC and a long time advocate of breastfeeding.
 It is helpful to me to hear about the good days and the bad days.  It is a
comfort to know that even the experienced make mistakes and that it is OK to
be human.  We are all human and we all need to have this electronic hug from
those who understand and Lactnet is just the place to get it.  If not here
then where would we go for understanding when the going gets a little rocky.
 Let's keep it just the way it is.

I don't want people who are not breastfeeding supports on Lactnet.  I don't
want to see this become a flame war.  WE know what is best and what is true
and we work to educate and convert people every day.  This is my time away
from that - a time to escape to a place where everyone else shares my
beliefs.  It is a comfortable place to be right now and I'd like to see it
stay that way.

BTW, Kathleen, I understand how you feel.  My youngest and last is almost
three and cutting her nursing sessions down drastically.  I am not ready to
end my nursing career but she may well be and I know I need to support her
choice.  It's not easy to deal with moms who want to wean at what we consider
an early age.  I have been either nursing or pregnant for almost 9 years!
 Hang in there Kathleen, everything will be OK.

Diane Karnbach, LLL