Dear Lactnetters,
just another thought about the use of the terms "nipple confusion" and
"nipple preference".  Someone mentioned the other day a teenager who decided
not to breastfeed because she didn't want her baby to be confused.  Perhaps
the same mother would be equally disturbed at the thought of her baby
"prefering" a bottle nipple to her own.  Our choice of words can be very
important, but we can't always predict another person's reactions. Whether we
talk about confusion or  preference it is important to explain what we mean
and the analogy of learning two different things at once is a helpful one.

By the way, I think I am suffering from what I can only describe as "mouse
hand".  The fingers of my right hand are going numb from all the clicking I'm
doing on LACTNET.

Lesley Robinson IBCLC, LLL Leader