Whee!  This is fun!  I've talked with Stephanie Diaz at Martek, the people
who make DHA from algae, and she was *very* interested to hear about the
Japanese company with their "tuna eyesocket oil."  She made a good argument
for the superiority of their product from algae.  I haven't been able to
find out if Intelligent Choice, Inc. is traded on the stock exchange, but
Martek is.  The call letters are MATK, on the NASDAQ exchange.  Shares are
currently $17/each, with a low of $8 earlier in 1995.  If anyone has extra
money they want to invest, you can call your local discount brokerage house
and buy some shares.  Also my local brokerage house says it is best to wait
a few months after a big stock offering (Martek just offered 2.5 million
shares to the public last month) because the price usually comes down.
Martek says they have marketing agreements with all the infant formula
companies, and are currently conducting trials in terms of adding it to
formula, adding it to pregnant/lactating women's diets to increase the
levels in breast milk, etc.  Very nice lady -- very pro-breastfeeding, and
says Martek will go out of their way to say that everyone knows breast milk
is best and that is why they are promoting their DHA for addition to
formula, because those babies who can't/don't get breast milk should at
least get the best possible substitute.  And as Alicia said (I think it was
Alicia), that of course is what all of us want for the children -- the best
Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.                         email: [log in to unmask]
Anthropology Department                               phone: (409) 845-5256
Texas A&M University                                    fax: (409) 845-4070
College Station, TX  77843-4352