Leslie Ayre-Jaschke mentions that she has read that WHO is
          looking into the need for new growth charts and asks if
          anything has been published. In addition to Dewey K et al.
          [including the WHO Working Group on Infant Growth, of which
          Kathryn Dewey is a member] Growth of breast-fed infants
          deviates from current reference data: a pooled analysis of
          US, Canadian and European datasets. Pediatrics
          1995;96(3):495-503, the full report of the WHO Working Group
          on Infant Growth. document WHO/NUT/94.8, 83 pages, including
          pooled data presented in growth chart form, is available
          through Distribution and Sales, World Health
          Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, fax (41-22)
          791-4857. The implications of adopting an international
          growth chart using reference data based on breast-fed
          infants are discussed in: An evaluation of infant growth:
          the use and interpretation of anthropometry in infants.
          Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1995,
          73(2):165-174. An effort is indeed under way within WHO's
          Nutrition unit to develop new reference data with
          representation of a wide range of ethnic backgrounds and
          parental stature.  Stay tuned! Finally, every professional
          staff member in WHO sooner or later gets called "Dr." (I've
          been here since 1980, so it happens all the time). "Mr."
          would be accurate but Jim is just fine.

          Jim Akre, Nutrition unit, WHO, Geneva