I think my area is saturated.
>I have tinkered with the idea of just getting rid of all the pumps but
>something inside just won't let me, and I don't know why. Good business sense
>would mandate that you would jump off a sinking ship. But I know I provide
>better information than many of the other depots so I keep hanging in there.

Allison & Pat, I can understand how you feelabout the "uncontrolled" pump
rental situation. As a small agency we keep a few on hand just to be able to
provide a service. I can't imagine, short of having a full service store
with multiple other items, how I could ever make (significant) money on the
rental business. What I think you (and we) have to offer is just exactly
what you have said - better information. Free advice is worth what you pay
for it, so take this in that light. Downsizing might be an answer. Walmart
put all the "mom & pop" stores out of operation. They haven't significantly
hurt the specialty stores who trimmed and focused. Just a thought. It's the
basis I'm shooting at.
BTW we've been approached by others who are trying to sell their stock of
pumps. Some had endebted themselves beyond all return even if business had
been good.

I'm really impressed and amazed at the openess on this forum. Never seen
anything like the lack of competition you have with one another. Even when
you disagree its with courtesy and respect. More power to you! And to have a
professional like Kathleen share her "bad day?"...most groups I know never
*have* bad days--everything is always hunky-dory....you believe them too?
Kudos, Kathleen!

A HHA owner who hopes to have several LCs on board for a *very* special
Richard G."Dick" Copeland
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