First of all, let me admit that as a Catholic, I believe a little guilt can be
beneficial in getting us to behave.  In other words, I think sometimes we don't
do something because we know we'll feel badly if we do.  Ex:  I return an item
to the store that I was not charged for just because I'd feel guilty if I

On the other hand, when we talk as Health Care Professionals about not making
moms feel guilty about bottle feeding I think of the other aspects of Health
Care Education we do - we teach the diet Pyramid - even though we may be making
moms feel guilty who feed their kids Coke for Breakfast and Sugar-coated snacks
all day.  We teach the need for Immunizations even though many don't get their
children immunized until the law requires it when they start school.

If we must avoid making people feel guilty - we'd better stop teaching about
diet, health care, seat belts, Cigarettes, etc....

No one can be made to do that which they don't want to do.  But we have a
responsibility to teach a reason for change in  behavior.   Otherwise, are we
only learning about health care to treat the problems once they come? I remember
the story (poem) I heard at the ILCA convention a few years back  of the village
who put an ambulance below the precipice where accidents repeatedly occurred -
rather than putting a fence to prevent the fall.  What is our duty?

Jeanette Panchula, BSW, RN, IBCLC
PR (Puerto Rico - Commonwealth of the US, bordering the Caribbean and the
Atlantic - and narrowly missed by two hurricanes last month)