In a message dated 95-10-04 11:14:19 EDT, [log in to unmask]
(Automatic digest processor) writes:


I'm Denise Ferrell,RN,BSN and IBCLC since 1989.My son is 2 1/2 years old,a
baby at that.Now i'm in practise privately and teaching CB and prenatal BF
at 2 large hospitals in Indianapolis,IN.

My question is this:

Is there a different caloric infant need formulat for BF infants
vs.Breastmilk substitutes?
(glad to see so many healthcare providers here who believe there just is no
real substi-
tute for Mom's Milk)

It seems that professional sources for nursing(RN,Bobak and Jenson Pediatric
Nursing) indicate that formula fed kids need 110kcal/kg.  Yet,a frequently
formula for BF caloric needs is lower-I know I/ve seen studies suggesting BF
kids need less and that nonBF kids are probably overestimated.

Does anyone know of a specific study indicating these facts?Thanks in

My problem is a mom was told her perfectly fine BF wt.gaining 2 1/2 week
needs 32 oz/24 hrs.According to my calcs,that's based on the 110kcal/kg for
her 10# boy. My lactation references suggest 27 oz/24hrs to gain,not just
maintain his wt.She's trusting my sources and hopefully we can reach an
agreement with her healthcare provider shortly.

I trust my resources but would like to be prepared with specific info.for
with healthcare provider.Mom has been supplementing since 1 week old,using
an infant scale to decrease supplements and reassure her (I did not offer the
but the healthcare provider suggested she request it--I try to use as little
as possible in each case and in my assessment stepping up the nursing ,brief
switch nursing and decreased supplements were all that was needed.)
Infant had regained birthwt. by 2 weeks and is still gaining but receiving
a problem which might have been avoided if I had kept closer tabs on her
since she
did not call me with updates as requested---as this mom says "Live and
Learn-No formula for next baby".
   Sorry about the length of a seemingly simple and perfectly avoidable
Denise Ferrell,
former resident of Huntsville,Alabama and native of Southern Calif.where all
my family

Thank you kindly and I hope I can return the favor in kind.