I have been turning over in my mind the comment made on Parent-L recently
by a child-care provider who said she wished she had had a big sign
identifying the contents of the bottle of human milk she was feeding to
her charge because she was embarassed to bottle-feed in public (I *love*

Why can't somebody make some money off of selling bottles imprinted with
the legend "HUMAN MILK ONLY" and a pretty picture of a mother
breastfeeding?  I mean, you can get baby bottles in the shape of 7-Up
bottles imprinted with their logo, why not have a bottle with the logo of
LLL?  Maybe this could be offered in the LLL catalog?  As long as we're at
it, why not make the bottle resemble a breast!  Let's get radical, and
make some money off of this!

Rachael Hamlet, who gets her craziest ideas late at night.