I have very strong feelings about this, as I credit so much of what I know
to some wonderful Leaders/IBCLCs who walked me through so many of my calls
when I was first a Leader.  The LCs in my area compliment League - and they
are a wonderful resource for us.  The Leaders here just cannot do home
visits, so we are so grateful for their services.  I believe that it is not
hard to keep from crossing the line - common sense is the guts of it.
However, I have seen some Leaders who feel resentful of LCs, maybe because
they are often seen as the experts, and Leaders as only support.  Doesn't
have to be that way, and sometimes isn't, but often is. I remember a
conversation I had one day where I shared that I did not know how to tell
what the baby was doing with his tongue by looking at the shape of the
mother's nipple when it came out of this mouth... I have no interest in
learning many of the technicalities that LCs need to know. I have my fingers
in too many pots as it is. Thank goodness LCs are out there!  I encourage
Leaders to remain so after becoming IBCLCs - everyone still needs them!

Elizabeth N. Baldwin, J.D.     Baldwin & Friedman, P.A.
2020 N.E. 163rd Street, Suite 300
Miami, Florida 33162-4970
Phone:  305-944-9100  Home office:  305-940-7873
Fax:  305-949-9029
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]    or    [log in to unmask]
Attorney specializing in breastfeeding and the law; Leader
Internet Communications of America, Inc.