This was posted earlier on Histarch, and may be of interest:
In message  <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] wrote:
> Publications from SPA, Foundation for the Promotion of Archaeology,
> the Netherlands.
> ...
> 3. Kampen
> Clevis, H., Smit, M. (1990).  Verscholen in vuil. Archeologische
> vondsten uit Kampen 1375-1925. Kampen.
> Price Dfl 30.-. Language: Dutch. 241 p. Catalogue ceramics 184 ex.,
> glass 62 ex.
> Cesspit finds from the Hanseatic town of Kampen, including research
> on shoes, metalwork and bio-zoological material.
> 4. Zwolle
> Clevis H., Kleij, P. (1990). Het Zwols Celehuisje, de bewoners en hun
> afval 1550-1650.
> In: Zwols historisch tijdschrift 7e jaargang, p. 76-94.
> Price: Dfl. 9.50. Language: Dutch. 22 p. Catalogue ceramics 22 ex.
> Finds from a  elderly women's home in the town of Zwolle, one of the
> poorest  collections of cesspit  finds possible.
> 5. Nijmegen
> Thijssen, J. (1991). Tot op de bodem uitgezocht. Glas en keramiek uit
> een beerput van de 'Hof van Batenburg' te Nijmegen, 1375-1850.
> Nijmegen.
> Price: Dfl. 37.50. Language: Dutch. 161 p. Catalogue ceramics 285
> ex., glass 74 ex. Very usuable book  for glass and ceramics. The finds
> are from a upperclass cesspit of a Nijmegen lord-mayor. Good
> accompanying texts on ceramic backgrounds.
> 8. Delft
> Bult, E. J., (1992). IHE, Delft prospers on a cesspit. Archaeological
> research between
> Oude Delft and Westvest. Delft.
> Price: Dfl 52.-. Language: English, Dutch. 220 p. including (colour)
> plates and catalogue ceramics 169 ex, glass 24 ex. Finds from the
> early-industrial town of Delft. Household waste and history of  one of
> the important towns in the west of Holland.
> ...
> E-Mail contact:
> [log in to unmask]
> State Service for Archaeology (ROB)
> Kerkstraat 1
> 3811 CV Amersfoort
> the Netherlands
Pat Reynolds
Keeper of Social History, Bucks Co Museum  / Freelance Curator
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